Safety in Numbers?~~by Akje Majdanek

I’d planned to write a comparison of literary, upmarket and commercial fiction and why litfic isn’t what you think, but haven’t been able to concentrate lately. I haven’t been able to think about anything actually but the coronavirus.

I know, first world problems, right? Such a nuisance to have to wait in lines at the store, then discovering they’re out of everything you want when you finally get inside. Having to order takeout at restaurants and wearing masks and gloves every time you leave the house. Not being able to leave the house at all unless you desperately need something.

For days I went to the bother of calculating mortality rates for various countries until it depressed me too much. Friends have pointed out the positives, like how the environment’s improving thanks to global quarantines, but that just brings to mind what scientists have always said: that human overpopulation causes environmental destruction, which brings disaster. Could this disease be the result of environmental destruction? Are the scientists right that there are too many people in the industrialized nations? Are we chopping down too many forests, plowing over too many prairies and destroying too much animal habitat in order to provide housing, office space and shopping centers for all those people?

According to the Guardian, since 2003 China has poured more cement every three years than the USA did in the entire 20th century. Today, China uses almost half the world’s concrete. How many animals do they displace or destroy when they do that? And how many do we in other countries displace or destroy when we build our own cities? This pandemic could’ve started anywhere.

Animals don’t just disappear when we destroy their habitat. They move in with us. Where I live in Florida we now have coyotes running through our backyards because developers built a strip mall and car dealership near our house. I didn’t know Florida even had coyotes until then. What if those coyotes were infected with something? They’d spread it to our dogs and cats, who’d then bring it to us.

According to scientists, there’s this thing that protects us called the dilution effect, which, as I understand it, means that good germs protect us from bad germs. For every evil microbe like a coronavirus there’s a good microbe that preys on it, but when we plow down the forests we disrupt the biodiversity, and those microbes are destroyed or mutated and the good ones can’t protect us anymore.

We have to stop destroying the environment, and the first step is to start practicing sustainable reproduction. Two children per couple is sustainable; anything above that is not. If we don’t start taking better care of the environment, Nature may come up with even worse diseases for us─diseases that cause blindness, deafness, paralysis, necrosis, brain damage, disfigurement. Smallpox caused blisters all over the body, and we used to think there was nothing worse than that. We’re proud of ourselves for eliminating it, but how great an achievement was that when we’re inadvertently creating new infectious diseases all the time with our behavior?

Sustainability should be a no-brainer. It essentially means moderation in all things. To quote a character from one of my own books:

They say those who won’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. I predict dire lessons in the future.

(Editor’s note: The dilution effect is a result of herd behaviour in prey animals. All other things being equal, as a herd gets bigger, the risk of any one animal being eaten by a predator becomes smaller. The paper discussed in the linked article argues that the expansion of human civilisation into areas that were previously wilderness increases the risk of a new disease emerging that can infect humans. If we split a population of wild animals into two, any diseases they carry can start to evolve separately in the two sub-populations, as they might now be subject to different selection pressures. This effectively gives evolution extra “rolls of the dice” when “trying” to create a disease that can jump into humans. (I put “trying” in quotes because evolution doesn’t have any plans or ambitions. It just looks as though it does.) This is in addition to the risks posed by living nearer to wild animals than we did before.)

About Akje Majdanek

Remember the books you had to read back in high school and college? Books like Animal Farm, Catcher in the Rye, Anna Karenina, The Crucible, To Kill a Mockingbird, A Prayer for Owen Meany, Jane Eyre and a hundred other deep, profound, thought-provoking reads? And remember how you said, “My gawd, those were the most boring books I’ve ever read in my life. I swear I’ll never read anything with literary merit ever again. From now on it’s nothing but sparkly vampires for me!”

Remember that? So who’s writing brilliant stuff like that today? Who’s writing the books that future students will complain about in the universities of tomorrow?

Akje has no idea, but she’d love to find that author, buy him a bottle of Beam and plagiarize all his work. (#^.^#)









Our short story anthologies written by over 100 writers have been recently published (links below) with all proceeds being donated to the charity organizations our group supports.
If you are a Kindle Unlimited member, you can read the complete anthology for FREE, and KU proceeds are donated along with the proceeds from the sale of our anthologies.
Our volunteer authors love to see reviews, and every review helps to make the One Million Project’s books more visible to Amazon customers, assisting us in our mission to raise One Million Pounds / Dollars for EMMAUS Homeless Programs and Cancer Research UK.

Caught With My Pantser Down – The Search For Paladin Po~~by Mark Huntley-James

Note to self – write about the perils of being a pantser.

Fortunately, I only wrote that a few weeks back, so I remember what it means. It further sticks in my mind because I was complaining to my partner about my troubles with the noteless Paladin Po, one of those cases where I’m trying to pick up the pieces of a part-finished book months, or even years later, and the note makes no sense, or there is no note at all.

(The original title for this was Take Note, but that lacked something in the click-bait stakes**.)

Are you a plotter or a pantser? Plotters walk away now because otherwise you will be trying to read this whilst shaking your head in disbelief, but for the pantsers out there, take note, take lots of notes, and make them sensible notes that will still mean something in twelve months time.

Let me present Paladin Po, a minor character introduced and dispatched in the space of a chapter, with the personal charm of a yeast infection and created to make a point later in the book. Po is one of the backroom boys in a nasty little slave trade, never really hands-on, but still unlovable, and perhaps in need of a redeeming feature or two exposed in a future chapter. Really, the only problem with Po now is that I wrote him somewhere around 2016, then the book went on hold and I have no idea what he is for. That point I was going to make later in the book is now completely lost.

I searched the whole file, the back-ups, anything that looked like it might contain explanatory notes, and found nothing. When I wrote Po, I knew what he was for and I was in the pantser flow, but four years, three urban fantasies and one space-opera later, I’ve forgotten the details. If only I had written some notes, recorded that point to be made, then maybe now I would have some idea what he was all about.

Poor Paladin Po – unless I can reconstruct the details, he will be erased from the narrative, which is fitting since his business is linked to erasing people. I shall leave him in for the moment in the hope of remembering.

Just writing a note is not enough. As I was reconstructing my thoughts on Po from a sketchy one-line note, I did a little tidying of all of my notes. After a health hiccough last year, I have finally caught up with the modern world and now have a smartphone. Since that upgrade, my note-taking has improved with Google Keep, with the bonus that I can access my notes from every device. The corollary is a surplus of notes, many of them redundant, like last month’s shopping list or the size of screw I need for a job that’s now complete. So, I did some tidying, reading and deleting until…

Sidekick — punchline should be needed a better plan and silent drive.

I stared at that. What does it mean? Random notes with an entire text of “20cm” are pretty clearly a measurement I needed recorded for a few hours at most, but obviously deliberate gibberish is different. Do I delete or keep? I should certainly make a note about not making cryptic notes. Purely by chance and not long after, I tried to save this account of my hunt for Paladin Po in the wrong directory and there was a document called “Sidekick” from just over a month back, and I was sure I had seen something about sidekicks recently.

I tracked it down, re-read, and in that context the note made sense, more or less. I just had to put in all the missing punctuation, missing words, and sort out the unfortunate consequences of the auto-correct on my phone.

Calling all pantsers – I know the story just happens, evolving as we write, but please, take note, write a note or two, and put enough context in those notes so they still make sense next year.

Happy writing.

**elsewhere, I’ve written a diatribe on Five Great Ways to Roast Live Clickbait. ()

OMP Admin Note:  Mark Huntley-James writes science fiction and fantasy on a small farm in Cornwall, where he lives with his partner and a menagerie of cats, poultry and sheep.

He has two urban fantasy novels out on Kindle – “Hell Of A Deal” ( ) and “The Road To Hell” (  ) – and is working on a third.

He can be found online at his blog, his website (, and occasionally on that new-fangled social media.

Our short story anthologies written by over 100 writers have been recently published (links below) with all proceeds being donated to the charity organizations our group supports.

If you are a Kindle Unlimited member, you can read the complete anthology for FREE, and KU proceeds are donated along with the proceeds from the sale of our anthologies.

Our volunteer authors love to see reviews, and every review helps to make the One Million Project’s books more visible to Amazon customers, assisting us in our mission to raise One Million Pounds / Dollars for EMMAUS Homeless Programs and Cancer Research UK.