A Global Alliance of Writers — The One Million Project

The day has arrived and the One Million Project’s long awaited short story anthology for Cancer Research UK and EMMAUS Homeless programs is available on Amazon. For more information click on the link from Sebnem Sanders a writer from Turkey.


Short Stories for Charity from Around the Globe — One Million Project

Short Stories for Charity from Around the Globe  — One Million Project

Over a year ago, UK author Jason Greenfield decided to enlist his writer friends to join him in a literary effort to raise money for charity through the publication of a collection of short stories.  Over the months since that initial internet message to his fellow writers, a thirty-member cadre of writers from a variety of genres grew until it became one-hundred-eighty individuals — writers, editors, publishers, media persons, musicians, and artists — from eleven different time zones around the world.

Known as the “One Million Project”, this group volunteered their time and talents to produce what has become a three-volume anthology of short stories.  Each volume contains 40 original works which have been a true labor of love for the people involved.  The proceeds from the books will be donated to Cancer Research UK and the EMMAUS Homeless Charity.

All three volumes are available for Pre-order on Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk right now.  Check out the links below!

Help us to raise a little sunshine in the lives of people less fortunate than ourselves through the power of words.

PhotoFunia-1517878074One Million Project: Fantasy





One Million Project: FictionPhotoFunia-1517878513(1)






One Million Project: Thriller



The Joy of Text — by John Nedwill

The Joy of Text — by John Nedwill

“We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half-full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-coloured uppers, downers, screamers, laughers … and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls.

Not that we needed all that for the trip, but once you get locked into a serious drug collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can.’

Or so Hunter S Thompson wrote in ‘Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas’. While the ghost of Raoul Duke would probably rise up and rip my guts out through my throat if I was to compare myself to Thompson, I think it is fair to say that I have two collections that I push to the limits. The first of these is tabletop games. The other is stationery.

You see, I’m an analogue person, born before the internet was a twinkle in some ARPA researcher’s eyes. As a teenager, I kept a diary in an exercise book, my school notes were kept in yellow notebooks, and my first attempts at writing were made in dog-eared jotters. Because I wrote things down – and with a little nod to my obsessive nature – I gained an appreciation of the different types of stationery and what they could be used for: lined paper for writing; blank for drawing; squared paper for mapping; log paper for graphs. Indeed, as time went on, I developed a full-fledged love of stationery.

These days I have a notebook of some kind for every occasion. For everyday use, I have a bevy of black Moleskine journals – usually one to each project. I find the hardbacked notebooks very robust and able to resist the trials of being carried about in a bag all day. I also have a leather wallet that can take refills of A6 paperback notebooks, easy to stow away in my pockets. For personal use, I have a handmade leather-bound journal that I was given as a gift. Then, for my gaming notes, I have a refillable journal that I received from a Kickstarter campaign. And, as if these weren’t enough, I have notebooks from various stationers, some of which are limited edition designs or even custom-made.

So, apart from being an obsessive stationery-phile, what pleasure do I get from my notebooks? Well, I have the convenience of being able to make notes anywhere, regardless of power supply or a connection to the internet. Also, there is a certain amount of style in pulling out a notebook and pen, then just scribbling away. There is also no small joy when you meet another lover of stationery and geek out on the joys of 120 gsm versus 80 gsm paper. Finally, there is the sheer tactile pleasure that comes from feeling a nib scratching across good, cold-pressed paper.

Of course, most of the stuff I write in my notebooks ends up being transferred to the electronic realm – either by scanning or transcription. But, I still think my notebooks are better.

OMP Admin Note:  John Nedwill is a writer, OMP Network member, and a regular #ONeMillionProject Blogger.  His work can be found on Wattpad.com and in the OMP short story anthologies to be published by Dark Ink Press on February 20, 2018.